Saturday, April 18, 2009

" Real generosity toward the future consists in giving all to what is present." Albert Camus
Got that from a white sugar thing while Sarah and I were at Cafe Lingo! :-)
It sounds so lovely and noble and right...actually living it out is another story!...I was at the HPC young adult meeting tonight. It was fun, refreshing. We played games, ate, laughed, etc, good the end Roger started to talk about the goals of the young adults ministry. For a moment, I was excited and started thinking of how awesome it will be to build relationships with evryone...and then it hit me...I'm leaving...I don't want to build relationships with people I'm planning on leaving...who does that?? I am typing this, it just hit me that that is exactly what Jesus did. He invested Himself in 12 guys for three years knowing very well how and when it would all 'end'. He knew Judas would betray Him, Peter would deny Him, He would die, rise again(PTL!!!!:-)) and then go back to heaven...but He still was ablet to be fully involved, fully present, and pour Himself wholeheartedly into these relationships!!!...

...I understand that in my head, and even accept it in my heart...I think now its a matter of what that looks like on a day to day church...when having converstaions...when hanging out...etc...He did it, so I guess asking Him to show me how would be a good that's what I'll do...ask Him to show me how to do this, the way He did it...