Monday, August 25, 2008

Choosing to see...

So this past weekend was awesome!!! No, I didn't do a 24 all-nighter, and no, I didn't go on a hot date with Wentworth Miller :-)...

On Saturday, Natalie and I went to an area called Msunduza. It's pretty much the ghetto of Mbababe! :-) HPC was out there doing Servolution the other weekend so we decided to go back and visit some of the amazing people we met. We visited the home of our friends Solomon and Precious, then Precious took us to gogo's (a really old, really precious lady) house where we just chilled for a while. Then it got really exciting!!...We brought out the paraffin stove, fried some chicken and Precious and Natalie cooked some pap. We had about 20 children outside gogo's little house just chilling with us (they danced for us and we gave them sweets :-) ) So, anyway, when the pap and chicken was ready, we couldn't just tell the kids to leave so we had them get into little groups and gave each group a plate of food. It wasn't much, but they loved it, and I think we loved it more!...

I live in Swaziland,in Africa, have lived here all my life pretty much. I have relatives who live in places like Msunduza. This was not something new to me, or maybe I should say this wasn't something foreign to me. It seemed so different, though...

gogo's little house, the paraffin stove with the pot of chicken over it, the children hanging out by the door, gogo's precious little's like I saw it, I really saw it kinda the way Jesus sees it, and I loved it, really loved it all. I can't wait to go back and cook chicken on the paraffin stove, dance with the kids, chat with Precious, rub gogo's back...

There's so much around us, so much life, so much life to be a part of, to take in, this weekend I chose to see it, take it in, and it was amazing!!!!...

I'll get pcis from Natalie and post soon :-) ...oh and I made a new friend, Tracy, she's about 5, I think and she's so so cute!! :-)


Anonymous said...

ZINTY!!!!! That's what I'm talking about.. :]

The Youngs said...

so homesick for swaziland these past few days!!

Anonymous said...

i feel like i was there! love ya!

Heather Stewart said...

I love stories like this Zin! You painted a beautiful picture of a beautiful country! Miss you like crazy and love you twice as much as I miss you.