Wednesday, September 24, 2008
To you I give my life...
TO YOU I sacrifice....
.... these dreams that I hold on to
To you I give my future...
to you I give my past
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine...
This is no sacrifice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I am my Beloveds and He is mine!!!
Ps. Ron said something during class, basically he said that the difference between the Old Testament and the New is this:
OT: the law was written on tablets of stone
NT: the law is written on our hearts
HE HAS WON MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Random Tears part 2
The past couple days 3 different things have 'broken my heart'. Yesterday it was a random picture of someone I barely know and the sound of some songs that both brought me to the point of tears. These two things reminded my heart of a particular place and as I thought of this place it broke my heart, my eyes cried and I had to look away from the picture and walk away from the sound of the songs...I guess the best way I can explain it is, well actually, I have no explanation (for once in my life :-))...
The third thing happened today...this man came up to the gate (at Natalie's where I spent the night). He rang the bell thing and I answered; He asked if he could provide us with 'the service of grass-cutting during this rainy season' I said, 'No thank you, we're fine.' He walked down the driveway; I watched him from the window, then it happened again, my heart broke, so I prayed for him, I prayed a lot for him, then the tears came and came and I prayed for myself. I prayed for grace and provision so I could be a b lessing; I prayed that He would teach me to be content in a ll heart is till broken for that man, for many like him, for myself...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
so anyway, I'm here, KB and Nomty are here too, but its pretty quiet, I like it...I've been uploading profiles onto the beloved ftp site! :-), labeling pics, etc...and of course browsing through blogs...I was looking at someone's blog and came across a picture of someone I know, but barely and it brought tears to my eyes, I'm talking serious tears here...I was like what the heck! Why am I crying?? The pic wasn't even sad or anything, and yes I am a girl, and girls cry about everything, but come on, a random pic of someone I barely know!!...well, the pic represented something, a place, and when I saw it these feelings in me were stirred pretty deeply...I don't know, don't even know what I'm trying to say really...I guess I'm wondering what exactly it is He is stirring in me...and why...
a couple random pics :-)...
Home Visits part 1
Xolile has no children of her own, but cares for the children and grandchildren of her deceased brothers and sisters. One of the girls she cares for, Nokwanda, is sick and requires much care in terms of time as well as finances. Xolile told us how she could not believe it when she was told that Nokwanda’s medical needs would be taken care of completely by the people at the Mercy Center, and not just financially. The teachers and MoM field rep at the