Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Zimbabwe, my heart, etc...

The guys- Ps. Ben, Paul, and Tye- just got back from Zim. I was so happy to see them all and of course so hungry(yes, ravished! :-)) for stories from the Zimbabwe. I wanted so badly to hear about this place that will not let go of my heart, these people that I cannot wait to spend eternity with!!!! Some of the stories were funny, all I'm saying is Tye, lizzards? Paul, butterfiles?? :-) Then, they started to metnion names, like Philip, Lesley, Rudo...and places, like How Mine, Saurestown...and my poor little heart almost broke!!!

I have never felt a about any place the way I do about Zimbabwe. I have never loved anyone they way I love Lungile... I can't wait to go to Zim. I can't wait to serve God alongside Lungile...I'm reading 'Crazy Love' by Francis Chan and everyhting in that book speaks so loudly to me. It's challenging at times, but so true and my heart has no choice, but to embrace it!!! God has given me His crazy(unconditional, unfailing, perfect) love for a country and for a man, and I am not the same, I will never be the same, I am officially, eternally ruined!!! And it's so awesome!!!!!

Me and some kids at How Mine!!! Love them!!!

1 comment:

lulu said...

l love you too zie and l'm soooooooooo ready to be with you in zim..having your brother he's a really good guy....lets continue praying that God would lead and guide us!!! l love you!!