Monday, May 28, 2007

Give us strength!!

A little boy died a couple days ago. He had been lying in a hospital bed for months. We stood around his bed, mourning this loss. We cried; I cried a lot. I looked at his empty bed, and, realizing he really was gone, I cried even more. This little boy had been so sick, he didn't even speak. He never smiled. He would just lay there. Sometimes he would cry, or at least try to cry. I hoped he would get better, and looked forward to the day he would speak, laugh. That day did come, just not the way I was expecting.

After leaving the hospital, I had a driving lesson with my dad. It was the best driving I've ever done, the best lesson I've ever had. I wasn't irritated by my dad( which I pretty much always am especially during driving lessons). I was so calm, peaceful. The little boy who died was named Siphamandla which means give us strength. I prayed and hoped that God would give him strength so he could talk again and run around like other little boys. Instead, God gave me strength, to love (my dad) when I didn't feel like, to rest ( and not be stressed about my inability to balance the clutch and gas pedals!!), to be more like Christ even when the world isn't watching and applauding!

I am crying now as I think about the fact that Siphamandla lived only six years of his life, spent his last few months in pain, and didn't live to see so much more, be so much more. But I am humbly thankful for God's wisdom and grace that has used, once again, sorrow and hardship to bring life, to draw me closer to Him. I am thankful to Siphamandla for the lessons I learned because I was his friend, and I hope, in heaven one day ,we can talk and laugh and play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Zinty I am so sorry to hear about your strength boy. I mean what a sad situation. I wish I was there to go through these sortof things with ya'll. to expierence the realness of life and learn from it. God is showing and giving you more of HIs heart everyday. Savor these times of growth. I have been there and am still there, it is the only place I would love to be. I love you people and will be praying for the whole team's strength.

Till next time...