Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stand and Sing of Zambia, proud and free... :-)

It’s supposed to be summer, you know blazing hot, humid, etc, but then it’s not. It’s cold and rainy, and I wish I were at home by a fireplace drinking hot chocolate and watching the Notebook! Instead, I am the Children’s Cup office trying to work and not miss Kristen so much. :-( So to cheer myself up I am going to write about a couple rather ‘silly’ moments I’ve had.

First story:

A day or so ago, Julia, Mary and I were at the Roger’s gate needing to get in. We had no power…long story… and had asked Roger who was house-sitting for the Rogers if we could go there to shower and stuff. I said to Julia and Mary as I held the keys in my hand, “I think we should just go in through the little gate since there’s no one inside to open the big gate for us (it’s electric), and we can just park outside.” As I was walking out of the car, Julia said, “Hey, why don’t you go inside and then you can open the gate for us.”

I thought, “Oh, yeah, duh!”

Julia continued, “Check and see if the keys you’re holding have a little button on them.”

I checked, and sure enough, there was a little button.

Julia asked, “Isn’t that the gate opener?”!!!

Second story:

A week or so back, Mary and I were walking home. It was kind of dark, well really dark (don’t tell my mum I was walking in the dark, she will not be happy!!:-)). So, anyway, as we were walking, we heard these dogs barking. They sounded pretty fierce. I told Mary they were inside the gate and we would be fine. She didn’t believe me. Eventually, I remembered I had a flashlight in my bag so I got it out. I hadn’t used this flashlight before so I tried to figure out how to turn it on and stuff. I pressed a button and some liquid stuff spilled out. I freaked out and said, Oh, no!! This must be the fuel for the flashlight and now it’s going to blow!” So, I threw it away. Meanwhile, Mary, who all this time had been standing by in silence says, “Did you get that from Kristen?”

I answered, “Yes I did”

She continued, “I think that was pepper spray!”


The Youngs said...

you are such a dork. love u and miss u tons!!!

Mazzuca Maddness said...

Oh my gosh, these are some funny stories! I'm talking pee your pants funny!