Friday, December 28, 2007

Pics to follow...soon :-)

I cannot believe the year is almost over!!! Seriously, it seems like days ago I was saying the same thing about 06!! But, again, I am in awe of God’s amazing grace that has allowed me to learn and to grow; to know and love Him more; to be more like Him…one thing I am sure of, maybe the only thing, is that His love endures forever- He is my Lover and I am His beloved; nothing else matters!!!... 2006 brought much transition; it was an exciting year filled with hope and anticipation…2007 has brought change, so much change!!!! There were several times I felt that I had had enough, I couldn’t take anymore( as much as I like to change my hair style& colors often, I rather like other things in my life to be pretty constant J). I have been angry several times at God and at people….He has taken my anger and filled those places of my heart with His love; it’s so much ‘easier’ to love than to be angry!! He has rekindled old dreams and passions; He has walked with me through the change and brought me out on the other side hopeful, excited, ready for more… As much as this year has so flown by, it has been so full; so much has happen, so much has been lost and so much gained, seriously it’s felt like 10 years in some ways!! J I have always been a planner; I like things, esp. my life, to be organized. I like explanations, answers, logic. As I grow older I am learning the beauty of letting go- not so my life can be out of control- but rather so it can be in the control of the only One who really has everything under His control, the One who has the whole world in His hands…I wrote these words about 4 years ago, but I think only now am I beginning to really grasp what they truly mean…

I want to be where You are
I want to stand in the midst of Your presence
Always near never far
Serving You Lord in reverence
I want to be
I want to be
Where You are

Wherever You lead me
Whatever You ask
Wherever You send me
Whatever the task
Things that make me cry
Things that make me smile
Anything anywhere
I just want to be where You are…

*One of the amazing blessings God has given me this year is the gift of friendships… great friendships…thank you to all of the amazing people that have allowed God to use them in my life…I can’t wait for heaven when we can all be together always, when no one ever has to leave…


Gabrielle said...

Zinty I love you!! I'm so happy and thankful God has put you in my life. I've also been learning....though He takes people we love away He always remains faithful and places other people in our lives, people so special and on fire for Him, people we come to love dearly. I've also been angry with God many times this year, only to have to apologize after realizing that He always comes through and even though the people I love didn't come back when I asked God to make, I remembered I still have you in my life,and Christy and then there was Jacci lol, and then Shelly and Kay and Julia and Kimber. God is in control now, has been in 07 and will be in 08 and forevermore. I love you so much stalker buddy!
Romans 8:38

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the work He is doing and has done in your life. I love that you are always boasting in Him and radiating His transforming power! I'm so thankful for you!

The Youngs said...

friend, i miss you more than you know!! You are such a huge blessing in my life! Thanks for being you! Miss you and love you!!

Anonymous said...

Yewh--- Can I be one of those friendships.... I know I am in the US and everything but I can make a great pin pal!
