Tuesday, July 24, 2007

At least I'm not yet in my late 20s ;-)

So I am officially one year way from being in my mid-twenties!!! Seriously, I am so old! :-) I like to look back, you know, reflect on the past, what I’ve learned, etc. I have learned a lot and I have so much to be thankful for like a job that I love (except for profile nightmares ;-)) , a family that isn’t perfect( whose is?), but loves me the best way they know how, and friends that I wouldn’t trade for anything!!!

As I was reading through my journal, I was made even more aware of the many blessings my Heavenly Father has given me. There is one thing, however, that was consistent throughout: God loves me with a redeeming, freeing, and unfailing love, and is always pursuing me!!! Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22 I am in awe of this God that not only cleanses me from my sin over and over, but lovingly and passionately draws me to Himself!


Anonymous said...

I love when you write.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Now that I can turn my computer on, i'll read your blog more often :) PROMISE!