Friday, July 6, 2007

"Crap is a relative term." Greg House

What makes the difference between having a good attitude or a bad attitude? No, it’s not ice cream, whether or not your friends/family are just being mean jerks, lack of sleep, a date with Wentworth Miller, or shopping. :-) And it’s not even PMS!!! Of course those things affect us initially. They definitely affect me more than I’d like. But after that initial moment of frustration, anger, pain, or whatever, we have a choice to make. Some of us don’t even realise that we have a choice, others of us make the wrong choice, and sometimes we make the right one.

What is the choice? I guess it could be put in a few different ways, but I like to think of it as a choice between the big picture and the small one. When we choose the small picture, we find ourselves at the centre. The main point is what was done to me, how I felt, what I didn’t get. I think we have all found that this only leads to more frustration and eventually some kind of sin, then regret etc. The big picture has Christ as the centre. The main point is what is Christ’s will for me here? How best can I please him? How can I show His love in this situation? This leads to peace because really, it’s neither about me nor up to me. It’s His burden to carry, His problem to solve. Mine is to surrender.

I have to quickly say that I consider myself among the worst when it comes to choosing the small picture. It’s like a bat habit, but I’m on my way to breaking it, praise Jesus :-).


Anonymous said...

You make me smile ZIn, I hope I can call you that. Really the last day has been so hard. My sis went into the hospital, she almost died. Prescription drugs we think. I found out at 12 in the morning on the 4th of July and since then my faith has been shaken up a bit.

Your post could not be more fitting for my life. The "big picture" I mean the Lord has got it. It's His fight, not mine. I just need to be faithful to Him and STAY in His prescence and He will take care of the rest.

Love your thoughts, don't stop thinking, ummm... :) hope you don't do that. ... well, hope your day is amazing.

Anonymous said...

I've been working on my choices recently. Thanks for the little bit preaching. It's good.