Thursday, December 11, 2008

1 week!!!! Omg I am soooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!! :-)

So I was thinking today about my life, who I was once, who I am now, you know the person I have grown to become. I am obviously still Zinty, but I have also grown, changed, learned, picked up things along the way...and it made me realize how key it is to approach life as a 'student'...we don't come out of the womb as the complete person we are meant to be( knowing everything we are meant to know and stuff), however, we come out of the womb with a mind and a heart that are ready to absorb and 'take it all in' and, as we do we, grow into who we were meant to be...


Anonymous said...

Amen!! That's such a good perspective to have.. Always ready to learn.. Good post! :] Miss ya!!!


Heather Stewart said...

We have never arrived...and when we think we have it all together, we learn that we don't! haha

Love you Zin and I hope you continue to enjoy Zim while you are there! Looking forward to 2010!