Yesterday, I was taking a Bible Class with the amazing Pastor Ron and he was speaking on...yes, authority!, yeah, I know, I had the same reaction!!! :-) I could write a book on why I have struggles with authority and would probably have some good points in there, but as I sat through the class yesterday, I heard some stuff that well, as my friend, Natalie would say, 'smoked me!' :-)...I will share some stuff...
" Jesus chooses to submit the Father! "
I mean if the Lord, Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords with the name above every other name not only in this wold, but also in the one to come!!! (whom by the way I absolutely love!!! :-)), chooses submission, then, yeah, you know what I'm trying to say...
"the attitudes we have towards authority always show the attitude we have toward God." HMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
"Spiritual maturity is often measured on how we react when asked to do something we don't want to do."
"partial obedience is rebellion."
"Obedience is a sacrifice of our human flesh and will to please God"
So, yeah, the class was pretty great, and those 'clips' give just a 'glimpse'.
random picture to keep the attention of those who, like myself, experience minor ADD! :-P
I guess God is continuing to show me that His ways are higher and better;and I have a lot of unlearning and re-learning to do( I don't think I'm alone in this) see, I have reasons (that make sense :-)) for the way I think.... One would think that after reading A Tale of Three Kings (one of the best books ever!!!, seriously) I would have this whole submission thing down, but I don't...I've not had the greatest leaders to submit to( my mum is awesome, though!!!!), they've been either passive and couldn't care less, or fake and completely insincere, and this includes Christian leaders (not everyone of course, I have had some amazing leaders, but they are relatively few...) so anyway, I came up with this system of 'figuring it out on my own'. I am pretty pro-active and not a fan of waiting around for silly 'leaders' to get their act together, but wait, another 'clip' form yesterday's class,
"the issue is not whether or not the authority is perfect; the issue is that the authority is God's choice." ooohhh, yeah, again, my ways vs His ways...
I am not at all a pro at the authority thing. I am more naturally rebellious(it just seems more exciting sometimes, I blame Jack Bauer!! :-)). I have a truck load of reasons why I shouldn't 'trust' authorities, I have been known to say, "If you can't take the time to be my 'friend', you have NO business telling me what to do!!!"...but you see that's me, that's 'my ways', and right now I am on this thing where I am hungry for His ways, and ready to let go of my own...It's so cool how He has wooed me to this point. I know(because He has loved me in a way that i have never been loved before, with a perfect, perfect, did I already say perfect love!!!!) that whatever He says is best, I just know...and of course it'll be really hard and crappy sometimes, and I won't always understand(which is not one of my favorite things!),but you see this King has won my heart and greater than every obstacle I am going to face on this 'journey' is the love that I have for Him!!!!!!....a love that makes obedience more than just a sacrifice...
More purple and green hair... :-)
Thanks for posting those notes! I could always stand to reminded about submitting to and honoring authority ;) Can't wait to be there with y'all!
Look it's Zinty with hair! I love it!! I just got back from Honduras and I am so stoked! I have just had the best 3 days of my life...really it's true. I can't wait to tell you about it. I am going to go to sleep now though. I am TIRED. I love you and thanks for the comment!
Zinty! I missed Pastor Ron's teachings. Thank you so much for writing out how the Lord's speaking to you through him. Authority and submissions and rebellion - oh what dreadful words! :) We are missing you and are looking forward to seeing you very soon (June 27th or later). Bless you!!!
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